Starting a roofing company can seem overwhelming. A key step is becoming a C-39 contractor and mastering various types of roofing. This blog will guide you through planning, licensing, and growing your new business. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • To start your own roofing company as a C – 39 contractor, first create a detailed business plan and complete the licensing process.
  • Choose the right legal entity for your business, like an LLC, to protect personal assets and gain tax benefits.
  • Build strong relationships with reliable subcontractors and suppliers to ensure high-quality work.
  • Develop a memorable brand and use digital marketing strategies to attract clients.
  • Collect customer testimonials to build trust and focus on financial planning for long-term success.

7 Steps for How to Start a Roofing Company in California (As a C-39 Contractor)

These steps below will help you understand the basics of how to start a roofing company in California. They should also help you with your first step, which is to create a detailed business plan outlining your goals and strategies. We’ll also introduce you to how to complete the necessary licensing process to operate as a C-39 contractor.

1. Create a business plan for your roofing company

A business plan is crucial for starting a roofing company. It outlines your goals, the structure of your business, and how you plan to make it successful. Start by defining what services you will offer, such as new roof installations or general roofing work.

Identify your target market—will you focus on residential roofing or expand to commercial projects? Include financial projections like startup costs, pricing strategy, and revenue forecasts.

Next, consider marketing strategies to attract clients. Determine how you’ll differentiate your roofing service from competitors and list ways to promote your business name. Think about creating business cards and a website.

Plan for obtaining necessary licenses and insurance, like general liability insurance. This document will guide your journey as a small business owner in the roofing industry.

2. Complete the licensing process

After crafting your business plan, the next step in starting a roofing company involves completing the licensing process. This is crucial as it legally allows you to operate as a C-39 contractor.

What is a c39 license?

The c39 license is a specialty license specific to roofing professionals. There is only one license for roofing businesses and professionals in California.

Like most specialty licenses, you must go through an apprenticeship or training and pass a qualification board exam.

The C-39 Roofing Contractor classification involves the installation of roofing products and repair of surfaces that seal, waterproof, and weatherproof structures. This work aims to prevent water or its derivatives from penetrating protective layers and gaining access to material or space beyond1.

How do I get a c39 license in California?

To be eligible for a C-39 license, you must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Be 18 years of age.
  • Hold a valid Driver’s License or USA ID.
  • Have a Social Security Number or ITIN.
  • Currently not be on probation or parole.

Additionally, roofing contractors need at least 4 years of journeyman-level experience in various aspects of roofing, including metal roof systems, roof installation, roof leak repair, and general roof work. This experience must be gained while working unsupervised, performing all duties associated with roof repair and maintenance2.

You may be required to provide proof of experience before you can complete and submit the application (and pay necessary fees).

After your application has been reviewed, you will need to submit fingerprints and schedule the exam.

You must pass the business and roofing c-39 exams that test your knowledge of roofing and construction principles. Also, secure liability insurance and possibly workers’ compensation coverage, depending on state requirements.

This not only protects your business but also builds trust with clients.

To get started, contact the Contractor State License Board to gather all necessary information about fees and paperwork needed for application. Submit all documents promptly and prepare thoroughly for the examination.

Once you receive your license, make sure to keep it updated according to state laws to avoid any interruptions in running your new roofing business.

3. Establish a legal entity

Once you have completed the licensing process, it’s time to choose the structure for your roofing company. Which legal entity you should choose for how to start a roofing company actually depends on you and the nature of your business—there is no one answer fits all.

Determining your business entity as a roofing professional is a crucial step as it impacts taxes, liability, and daily operations.

You can opt for a sole proprietorship, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC). Each option has its benefits and drawbacks depending on your business goals. We discuss this topic more below.

Deciding on a legal entity requires understanding how each form affects your control over the business and financial responsibilities. For most starting their own roofing business, an LLC offers protection against personal liabilities while providing flexibility in management and tax benefits.

Make sure to register your business under the chosen entity with the state to legally operate and protect your brand.

4. Find subcontractors and suppliers

How you start your roofing company also involves who you choose to be employees, partners, suppliers, and supervisors.

Search for subcontractors and suppliers who deliver quality materials and services. Look for reliable partners with a proven track record in the industry. Ensure that they provide the roofing materials and workmanship that meet your standards.

Establish strong relationships to ensure timely project completion and customer satisfaction.

Collaborate with trustworthy partners to maintain a competitive edge in the market. Utilize online platforms and industry networks to connect with potential subcontractors and suppliers, ensuring you choose those best suited for your business needs.

5. Establish branding

Craft a strong and memorable logo that represents your roofing company. Ensure it reflects the quality of your work. Consistently use this logo on all marketing materials, such as business cards, signs, and social media platforms.

Develop a cohesive color scheme and aesthetic to create brand recognition in your local area.

Offer valuable content related to roofing on your website and social media channels to showcase your expertise. Highlight successful projects with before-and-after photos or videos, emphasizing the high standard of work you deliver.

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews online, which can further build trust in your brand within the community.

6. Find clients

If you want to find clients for your roofing business, focus on creating a strong online presence. Utilize social media platforms and build a professional website that showcases your work and offers easy ways for potential clients to contact you.

Networking with local real estate agents, property managers, and construction companies can also help you generate leads. Attend industry events or join networking groups to connect with potential clients and partners in the roofing industry.

Consider offering referral incentives as a way to encourage satisfied customers to spread the word about your services. Additionally, investing in targeted advertising, such as local SEO and pay-per-click campaigns, can help increase visibility for your roofing business in relevant search results.

7. Collect testimonials

After finding clients for your roofing business, it’s essential to collect testimonials from satisfied customers. Testimonials provide social proof and build trust with potential clients searching for roofing services.

Ask customers for feedback after completing a project and use their positive experiences to showcase the quality of your work on your website, social media, and marketing materials.

Positive testimonials can help attract new clients and establish credibility in the local roofing industry.

Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences online by providing them with easy ways to leave reviews on platforms such as Google My Business, Yelp, or Angie’s List. Engaging with happy clients not only fosters goodwill but also helps create a strong reputation for your roofing company within the community.

Financial Planning for a Roofing Company

When diving into how to start a roofing company, it’s crucial to focus on financial planning. Begin by creating a detailed business plan that outlines your startup costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue projections.

Research the cost of necessary equipment, insurance, and marketing efforts to ensure you have a clear understanding of your financial needs.

Additionally, consider setting up a business bank account and establishing an accounting system to track income and expenses. It’s essential to maintain accurate records for tax purposes and monitor the financial health of your business regularly.

By staying on top of your finances from the beginning, you can set a solid foundation for success as you grow your roofing company.

Building a Successful Roofing Business

Hire reliable team members who are skilled and motivated. Invest in high-quality equipment to ensure efficient and top-notch service delivery.

Hiring reliable team members

To build a successful roofing business, consider hiring reliable team members who are skilled and dedicated to their work. Look for individuals with experience in roofing or related fields, as well as a strong work ethic.

It’s crucial to prioritize safety, so ensure that your team members have the necessary training and certification. Additionally, seek out candidates who communicate effectively and can uphold your company’s reputation for high-quality workmanship.

When establishing your team, focus on creating a positive and collaborative work environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. This will contribute to employee retention and overall satisfaction within the company.

Investing in equipment

When starting a roofing business, investing in quality equipment is crucial for delivering professional and efficient services. Quality ladders, safety harnesses, power tools, and durable roofing materials are essential for completing jobs safely and to the highest standard.

Having reliable equipment not only ensures the safety of your team but also boosts productivity and customer satisfaction.

Good equipment enhances the reputation of your roofing company and sets you apart from competitors. It’s essential to regularly maintain and update your tools to guarantee top-notch service delivery while minimizing downtime due to malfunctioning equipment.

Marketing and sales strategies

Implement a targeted marketing plan to reach local customers. Utilize digital platforms like Google My Business and social media to showcase your work and connect with potential clients.

Offer promotions or referral incentives to attract new business and build a positive reputation in the community. Invest in professional branding materials such as business cards, vehicle signage, and website design that reflect the quality of your roofing services.

Utilize sales strategies by conducting thorough consultations with potential clients to understand their needs and provide tailored solutions. Clearly outline the benefits of choosing your company over competitors, highlighting your expertise, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

Building trust in the community

To build trust in the community, it’s essential to deliver on promises made by the roofing business owner and consistently provide high-quality work. Communicate openly with clients, address concerns promptly, and ensure their satisfaction to foster positive word-of-mouth.

Engage with the local community through sponsorships, participating in events, or offering free educational workshops about roofing maintenance and care. A positive reputation will help attract new clients and establish your roofing company as a trustworthy local business while also improving search engine visibility for “roofing companies” and “roofer”.

Choosing the Right Business Entity

When starting a roofing company, choosing the right business entity is crucial for your success. Explore the best option and structure that suits your goals and resources. Read on to learn more about making this vital decision.

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business owned and operated by one person. It’s the simplest form of business entity, offering full control and decision-making power to the owner. In a sole proprietorship, the contractor has direct ownership of all profits and is personally responsible for any liabilities or debts incurred by the business.

This structure provides flexibility in decision-making without extensive paperwork or formalities, making it an appealing option for contractors looking to start a roofing company with minimal initial complexity.

Moreover, a sole proprietorship allows contractors to report business income and losses from roofing jobs on their personal tax return using Schedule C. This streamlines the taxation process and reduces administrative burdens.


Consider forming a corporation for your roofing business. A corporation provides limited liability protection, separating personal and business assets. This structure can also help attract potential investors and provide tax advantages.

As the owner of a corporation, you’ll have the flexibility to offer employee stock options, which can be appealing to top talent in the industry.

When selecting a business entity for your roofing company, consider consulting with legal and financial professionals to weigh the benefits of each option carefully before making a decision.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Consider forming an LLC for your roofing business. An LLC provides limited liability protection and offers flexibility in management and tax considerations. It’s a popular choice for small businesses due to its simplicity and protection it provides.

As a contractor, this business structure can safeguard your personal assets while offering tax advantages.

When starting a roofing company as a C-39 contractor, the choice of business entity is crucial to protect your interests and ensure smooth operations. Setting up as an LLC could be the right move, providing the legal protections you need while keeping administrative requirements manageable.

Resources for Starting and Growing Your Roofing Business

Learn the best accounting practices, effective hiring and training tips, and both digital and traditional marketing tactics. Focus on creating a positive customer experience and staying up-to-date with industry resources to ensure lasting success.

Accounting considerations

Maintaining accurate financial records is crucial for your roofing business. Track expenses, income, and invoices to stay organized. Consider using roofing equipment that enhances efficiency accounting software to simplify this process and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Hiring a professional accountant can also provide valuable expertise in managing finances effectively.

Track expenses accurately to manage cash flow efficiently and identify opportunities for cost-saving. Stay updated on tax laws that apply to contractors, ensuring that you’re meeting all obligations while maximizing deductions.

Hiring and training tips

When hiring team members, seek experienced individuals who understand the roofing industry. Provide comprehensive training to ensure they meet safety standards and company protocols.

Invest in ongoing professional development to keep your team’s skills sharp and up-to-date with industry best practices for roofing jobs. Offer opportunities for certifications or specialized training to enhance their expertise in roofing techniques and safety measures.

Digital and traditional marketing tactics

After establishing a reliable team and implementing effective training, it’s vital to focus on digital and traditional marketing tactics. Utilize social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to showcase completed projects, share customer testimonials, and engage with the local community.

Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) for your website to improve online visibility among potential clients searching for roofing services. Additionally, consider traditional marketing avenues like local newspaper advertising or sponsoring community events to increase brand awareness within your target market.

Implementing a well-rounded marketing strategy that incorporates both digital and traditional tactics can help you reach a wider audience while building trust in your roofing company’s expertise and reliability.

Creating a positive customer experience

It doesn’t matter how you start a roofing company if you don’t follow through with your customers.

You must deliver exceptional service to customers by being responsive and transparent. Respond to inquiries promptly and communicate clearly about project timelines and costs, especially regarding roofing jobs. Address any concerns with empathy and professionalism, aiming for high customer satisfaction.

Ensure that clients feel valued by seeking feedback, incorporating suggestions, and showing appreciation for their business. Engage in follow-ups after a roofing job completion to confirm satisfaction and maintain a positive relationship.

Establishing trust through excellent communication can lead to long-term customer loyalty and referrals, fostering a strong reputation within the community.

Staying up-to-date with industry resources

It is easy to look at and see the trends when you first are determining how to start a roofing company in CA, but it’s important to always be learning and improving to keep clients happy and your business from falling behind in trends.

To stay ahead in the roofing industry, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest resources. Follow industry publications and websites for the most current trends, regulations, and best practices to enhance your business acumen.

Networking with other contractors can also provide valuable insights into new techniques, materials, and technologies that can give you a competitive edge in the market. Keep an eye on professional forums and attend trade shows or workshops to maintain a strong understanding of the evolving landscape within the roofing sector.

By continually seeking out new knowledge within the field, you’ll position your roofing business for ongoing success and growth. Stay alert to changes impacting your industry through multiple channels of information – it will help you adapt quickly and effectively when necessary.

How to Start a Roofing Company with Success in California: A Legal Expert on Your Side

Start your roofing company by creating a solid business plan. Get the necessary licenses and establish a legal entity. Find reliable subcontractors and suppliers and focus on building a strong brand.

Seek out clients and leverage testimonials to build trust in your community. Ensure financial planning is in place for sustainable growth.

But most importantly, start with a legal expert who can help you coordinate with the necessary boards and ensure you comply with all business documents and entity formation aspects.

If your business vehicle isn’t set-up properly, it doesn’t matter if you invested in high-quality equipment or are utilizing effective marketing strategies for a successful roofing company to attract clients, or even if you are delivering exceptional customer service. You could be in trouble of everything falling apart legally.

Stay abreast of the roofing industry’s trends, regulations, accounting practices, as well as training tips for sustained success, and let a formation and business lawyer help you stay on top of the legal updates and changes.